Spotlight Your Key Reasons To Buy

June 16

Spotlight Your Key Reasons To Buy

If you want buyers to appreciate and understand why your product or service is the best choice, you have to make the stongest case possible.

But instead of you telling them those reasons, it's much more effective if you have one of your clients discussing them on camera and in their own words.

Educating Vs Pitching

Having one one of your existing clients talk about your key reasons to buy in their own words is incredibly powerful.

The reason for this is that it comes from an educational frame instead of one where you are actively pitching.

Buyers are highly committed to carry out qualitative research so that they can make an educated and informed purchase decision.

Which is why they place great value on educational materials which will genuinely help them with that learning process.

Success By Design

When it comes to producing case studies my approach is to ensure success right at the beginning.

We do this by carefully interviewing senior figures from both sales and marketing.

The reason for this is that sales and marketing respectively each have unique insights to:

  • What you want buyers to focus on
  • Why clients buy
  • What can help swing a deal in your favour

Sell Without Selling

Because the pre-production consultation will have established all of your key reasons to buy.

When it comes to the case study interview the process is to guide the interviewee into talking about each of the points.

On camera it all just flows naturally.

Yet as mentioned, it's ultimately success by design.

From the viewer's perspective - if a previous client thinks it's important enough to bring up and discuss in detail, then it must be important.

There are many ways in which we can get a guest to talk about any given specific reason to buy from you.

But the end result is that by highlighting your key features and benefits through this process we're doing two things:

  1. Pre-qualifying you as the ideal choice
  2. Sabotaging your competitor's suitability because they don't offer the same

Bear This In Mind...

Because a case study when it's produced correctly is an educational piece, it has a lot more power and impact for its ability to shape a buyers perspective.

So it makes sense to use that increased effectiveness on the parts which are the most likely to help win you the sale.

If you do... this strategy will reward you nicely and it will be reflected in your sales figures.

Further Listening

If you'd like to learn more on this and dive deeper into understanding how you leverage this incredibly powerful technique for yourself - click HERE to listen to this week's episode.

Alternatively, you can play it and subscribe on your favourite podcasting app.

Or if you've got Amazon Alexa (I've tried this!)... you can say "play win clients with case studies podcast".


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