How To Win More Contracts

January 3

How To Win More Contracts

If you had one extra proposal per month accepted what would that mean to you?

What adjustment could you put in place to make that happen?

The challenge is for your potential customer to see you as their ideal choice.

And in doing so, clearly differentiate your company from your competitors.

Three of the most impactful things you can focus on are:

  1. Communicating that you have the best expertise in the solution which you ultimately provide
  2. You can be relied upon to deliver
  3. You can provide the results your potential customer is after

The decision of who to choose largely revolves around those 3 points.

Which is why they are also the key to increasing your proposal acceptance rates.

In order for you to positively impact your contract win rates you need to try something different.

It's highly likely that you're currently NOT leveraging the incredible authority and influencing power of customer case studies.

If that's the case it's worth giving this urgent thought and attention...

Your previous customers will be able to do a MUCH better job of:

  • Affirming you have the best expertise in the solution which you ultimately provide
  • That you can be relied upon to deliver
  • That you've successfully delivered the results your potential customer is after

Written case studies are a hassle to read but they also don't score well in terms of authenticity.

They can easily be faked or completely misrepresented.

A video case study where you have a previous customer on camera sharing their thoughts directly can't be faked.

Never the less... what they could say about you in just a few minutes can easily give your target customer every assurance they need for your company and proposal to stand out as the winner.

It's also worth remembering that in B2B these days decisions are almost always made by a group or committee.

Which is why having your customer doing the selling for you in a short video which can easily be shared and viewed by everyone who has an influence in the decision is so powerful.

If you were to do one thing to positively impact your contract win rates, having a video case study to include in your proposals would be it.

My advice is to avoid over complicating the process.

If you have a previous customer who you think would be a great advocate for how you've helped them.

And what they could say would be highly influential for other prospective customers...

Just do it.

If you'd like to see how a video case study should be produced please do take a look at my website for inspiration.

Or if you'd like to arrange a call to discuss ideas, feel free to DM me to schedule consultation.


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